Advisory Board

Advisory Board

An Advisory Board (AB) was set up in ENTRANCE to generate a broad and direct connection and clustering activities with European associations and initiatives in the transport and mobility sectors. The goal is to have an active AB of representatives from relevant European transport associations, clusters, regional Enterprise Europe Network offices, Technology Platforms, and large buyers’ groups, networks, and platforms. Furthermore, liaisons and collaboration with other EU-funded projects are planned, whose activities are directly related and similar to those proposed in ENTRANCE for piggyback strategies to avoid duplicating efforts and create a synergy for input and positive cascade effects on all initiatives.

The ENTRANCE consortium has invited key experts from the networks identified to join the AB. The role of AB members are:

  • Advise the ENTRANCE consortium on stakeholder identification and engagements;
  • Advise the ENTRANCE consortium on designing and executing the Open Competitions and brokerage events;
  • Advise the ENTRANCE consortium on designing and executing the training webinars;
  • Assist the ENTRANCE consortium in reaching out to stakeholders, projects, and initiatives relevant to the project activities;
  • Advice on the status quo from the individual sub-sectors with regard to trends, innovations, market growth, and other important news.

The AB provides direct contact with several associations, clusters and organisations that can provide further information on the transport and mobility market that would be relevant to take into consideration in the project execution. The AB supports outreach activities and promotes the use of the ARRIVAL platform among its members and network contacts. It will promote the engagement activities by disseminating information on for example events and training activities. The AB has a consulting role and acts in an advisory capacity for the ENTRANCE consortium.

AB is kept informed on the relevant and crucial activities that the ENTRANCE project performs during its lifespan as well as on the results obtained. This is done in order to gather feedback to be used to drive the project approach. This task sets the collaborative framework of partnering with other relevant networks and initiatives. Moreover, from individual contact, a specific online workshop with an EU outreach is foreseen in order to exploit knowledge of the established connections, foster the creation of new networks, and improve the ENTRANCE project results. Meetings are organised every 6 months and the current AB covers all modes but further partnerships can bring in additional contacts/content.

In addition to the general advisory roles indicated above, ENTRANCE also liaises with the members of the AB to identify common interests in specific innovation areas or solution requirements. Since many members of the AB are associations presenting specific sectors in transport, it is particularly useful to collaborate with them to identify which solutions are urgently needed by their sectors, and if there are potential buyers from their members.


Advisory Board Members (Status: June 2022)